We had family up from Thursday until Monday during Father's Day weekend, and it was such a fun time. However, I am missing pictures from the entire week prior to Father's Day and during the family visit...these are all that I have of our weekend...I am missing Hayley's first time at the pool, Madison's videos at swim lessons, some pictures of Hayley and I, as well as more pictures of my nephews. Madison grabbed my camera and was acting like she was taking pictures of Hayley which she has never touched this camera before. But ALL of the pictures were erased. Yet again!:) Nothing I can do anything about, but for me since I know the pictures were there it was a little difficult...obviously I didn't get her in trouble or anything...however, she did seem to fix an issue we were having with the camera when she had it...so a little plus I guess you may say too. So we will just have to plan on redoing Hayley and Madison at the pool this weekend hopefully!
My sister and nephews came up to visit from Arizona which we haven't seen in a really long time so it was a fun weekend. We BBQ'd, swam at the pool, ate at the Cheesecake Factory, celebrated Father's day, and had some fun in the evening together:). On Saturday, my Aunt Mary and cousins Addie and Lexie came so they could see my sister and nephews too so we had a really fun day at the pool and at night together.
Connor really took special note of Madison since she was able to really play and everything...they would chase one another around my parents home and he came over on Saturday for a bit after Madison woke up from nap - Hayley really slept long that day from being at the pool earlier...it wiped her out! But Madison and Connor played in the loft for awhile before we headed back over. Here is Austin and Hayley using the easel and chalk...Hayley is really started to get into chalk outside, on the easel, and with colors. Although we have to watch her with crayons still...
Madison and Connor sitting on my parents sofa together...they were so good with her over the weekend!
Hayley was napping at my parents house when this picture was taken so that is why she isn't in it...but just a cute picture of Madison with her cousins she hasn't seen since she was 4 months old!
Happy Father's Day Daddy!!!!! The girls just love their Daddy so much, and we spoiled Daddy with all kinds of gifts that day for Father's Day...so that is always so fun because Bobby always gets excited about gifts for him and especially ones that the girl's made. I took the girls to Imagination Pottery in town because after the girl's turned 1 - I take them to make a plate for Daddy. Madison wanted to make another one too - so Daddy has 2 from her now...but that's okay...they had so much fun doing it. However, the day I took them she tried to tell Daddy so we had our first little discussion about how it was a surprise for Daddy and one of the only times you don't tell something to someone until you give them the surprise gift. She really listened because she didn't say a word about it and would talk to me about how it was a surprise for Daddy! How cute:)
Happy Father's Day to Bobby for being a terrific Dad the girls just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!While Mary was up for the weekend...my mom celebrated her birthday and of course Madison wanted to sit with her while she did cake:). Connor and Austin's birthdays are in July so we also did that celebration on Friday at the Cheesecake Factory, and Madison just insists her birthday is coming soon again too:)

And here is a picture of all us girls (cousins and my sister)...now that I think about it we are also missing a picture that Bobby took of my entire family together...darn! But I am pretty sure you may be able to tell who is my sister...just don't look at the hair color...we had a fun night on Saturday staying up late together!
Some of my favorite things about seeing the boys and things they did was:Connor - he came over for a bit by himself on Saturday with the girls and wanted to paint on the easel. Of course...Madison had to be "project manager" which we are working on that she isn't too "bossy" with that, but she wanted Connor to paint a princess crown for her...he did and it was soooo cool! He did a fabulous job and made Madison's day! The funny thing is when Austin came over on Sunday he wanted to paint too which I hadn't changed over the paper and he painted right over the crown! That just shows you brothers! How funny.When we were headed to the store with the boys...we saw my biggest fear...a snake in the road. My dad said something to the boys about it and of course they wanted to see it so my dad backed up (we were still in our subdivision). Austin made me die laughing! He said "OMG...it's ALIVE!!!!" I just lost it with laughter because he was sooo surprised it was alive. My nephews are 8 and 6...well after their birthdays in July. It was nice to see family, and we are gearing up for next Saturday now to celebrate my Grandpa's 90th birthday with my Dad's side of the family!Even though I don't have pictures to show Hayley's first day at the pool she did great. She wanted to be held and sat in this flotation crab with us playing with her too. It was so fun to see both of my girls just loving the water! Madison was a natural and so comfortable in the water. She had a vest on, but one that allows her to still move about and swim...how fantastic she did...playing with Hayley too until everyone else arrived at the pool. Blessings from all of us!