So I thought about an hour ago...because something else I have been working on...well I was I'll do a confession of today...In light of today...thank goodness it was a short trip for Daddy...he has arrived!...I'll say it again...he HAS arrived....and is present in the house...WOO HOO! Honestly these two days seem longer than his LONG trips...I know it is because of the rain...can't blame them...I don't like being cooped up either.
Confessions {from today}...
a glass of wine sitting right next to's time to relax...
1. Have I ever told you I love my really makes that much of a difference to have your feet up...
2. It has been raining for several days is so hard to be stuck inside...have I mentioned how irritating puzzles can be?...those darn little pieces...especially when all day one daughter is picking them up and the other tips it over as soon as she puts it back together... ***UPDATE***
hubby says I should include the part when he was on his way home...I threatened to BAN all puzzles from our household to avoid all sisterly conflict****another confession: I actually never could do that...since I really love to do them too:)
3. I fell asleep on the sofa last night working...and was kind of cranky waking up in my clothes...I'm NOT a night person...
4. Before I had to run some work errands...I forgot about the time and realized WOW it was lunch what's a mom to do...grabbed a cheese stick for each...juice box {and if you ask Madison she will tell you it is from Trader Joe's...she always points it out ~ it's her fav}...Gorilla munch {she even KNOWS the aisle it's on}...OOPS...I confessed that...I promise...I really do feed them "food"...breakfast was more balanced fruit smoothies with waffles...
BUT you know all works out because I got my errands done A LOT quicker keeping them occupied with lunch {snacks} on the go!
5. Parents of Teachers was today...have I mentioned how much I LOVE our PAT teacher...she really is fabulous...and my confession...well I always feel like I don't have to do as much "sit down learning with them when she comes"...another confession...I look forward to seeing her just as much as the kids do~ she is so fun and has great conversation...
6. I promised I wouldn't pick up anything extra today ...and I did...I accidentally did...double OOPS on that...hope honey skips right over this one:)shhh....
7. YEP...Madison asked about Moon ~ 2nd day now...I told her he was swimming with his mommy and friends...
8. I always save the Spinach pizza from TJ's for when Daddy is gone...he won't eat it...but the girls and I devour it...honestly...I could eat the ENTIRE spinach pizza myself...or at least I feel like I's that GOOD! BUT tonight I was good...and waited until hubby came home for a late dinner...but I did snatch one piece:)
9. naptime for my youngest was a WHOPPING 30 minutes...but oh did I get the best HUG when I picked her up.
10. Tuesday nights if possible...I always try to watch So you think you can dance with Madison because she LOVES it and imitates dancing with them...and I feel horrible I got reminded I need to get my hiney in gear on getting her in see I was the tomboy girl...didn't do dance...absolutely know nothing about dance...until my dear friend I visited last month answered my 100 questions on what to do...since she is GREAT at dance and perfect to ask what to look for...
my confession: I felt really bad I haven't found a place we like yet seeing how happy she is dancing...
11. I was ever so grateful when hubby walked conveniently in for bathtime with the girls...YEP... I really struggle with bathtime...really struggle...I'm the mom who brings a book...or my computer in the bathroom and does work/projects while they play in the bath...after their bath that part I can do...I LOVE that lotion them up...pajamas...brush their is the BATH that kills me...
12. Maybe this one should be a hubby confession...but Bobby sat down to finish the rest of So you think you can dance with us...and he so wishes he could dance like Legacy because...and I quote..."it would be BAD...*%#
{you can finish that quote!}...
13. Having the girls go through Daddy withdrawls...I am so excited it was a SHORT week he was traveling...but my favorite part was when Miss Madison came to sit by me all on her own for the end of the show...:) Made my the end of a very long day with them...and what else...she made my Monday too...she drew a picture of her family at school...with all 4 of us...a rainbow...a desk and tools because over the weekend we {he helped me do this one to get done ~ great hubby} refinished the other end table and made a change to the 1st one I did...painted the handles...looks much better!...but it made me smile her putting those things in our family photo...just so sweet:)13. {Yes...I'm doing a 2nd #13...just can't end on #14}...with a very long day...LIFE is GOOD!Blessings to you all!