and by noon I was at my limit when I saw a pretty decent size amount of hair on the floor as the girls were eating lunch {the hair pulling aftermath} I tell you...I did in fact get mad at my kiddos in a big way...and {ahem} yelled for them to please quit...because face it...I'm normal at least I’d like to think, right?...maybe I'm just telling myself that to feel better...
In a dream world a "no yelling" rule at my home would be nice...but that is "dream world" to me…quite frankly we all reach our breaking point...and I hit mine as I was literally not just letting them run around like crazies all day...but really trying to keep them entertained with fun things to do...but it just wasn’t happening…
{BUT what I love about my hubby is that he said..."Martha I would think you wouldn't be normal if you never lost your cool in front of your's 'gonna' happen" sometimes even though we regret doing it...Okay really? Because I really got mad at them…because he heard me and knows I did…”Yes Martha!”…. Whew honey...needed that today {some bonus points for you}
Okay I was trying to make Hayley smile {getting 4 canines right now...that's what we call them...I know they have numbers and mom used to work for a I know but that is what I like to call them}...anyhoo just trying to redeem myself and have some fun with her to help her smile...and I said....
"Hayley whatcha doin'?"
"Nuuuffin'" she replies...
we almost peed our pants in laughter because we didn't expect her to really answer us and with we were chasing her around with the camera trying to capture it in which she would not say it as soon as I opened that sucker up because she is a little "stinker"... but obviously I finally got it:)
Back to my point again right?
because you are probably wondering what in the world that title has anything to do with this post...
So with Hayley being cranky…Bobby thought he would help with dinner since I have been under the weather and fighting fevers {which it came back this morning, and I thought I was feeling better...which is a stink because every year for the past 5 years either Bobby or I have been sick and under the weather…this year it seems like it is going to be me…so we have a tradition of toasting the New Year in the morning with mimosas because the one who is sick never makes it to midnight usually…and actually besides the being sick part…we have grown to love that tradition we have before the kiddos wake up on New Years Day to toast in the morning rather than midnight}....
Anyhoo...Hayley is my "love" girl...she loves to be loved on and physical touch is definitely her number one right now....Bobby told Hayley to play with Sis in the living room while we are cooking dinner...she was of course wanting some love {which by the way Bobby always gives her but she wants love 24/7 and frankly we just cannot do that everytime you know}...Hayley runs out of the kitchen...and Bobby says....{under his breath mind you... but to where it was obviously loud enough to still hear kind of thing}...and he says...
"womanly feelings..."
“Say again!?” as I'm now glaring at Bobby for saying such a comment to my baby {you know the one I got mad at myself earlier in the day for pulling hair}...
I said "what did ya say honey? and What does that mean?"... {this was me kidding with him…because I knew he said that to light my fire}
He replies… “Well...she didn't get what she wanted and went to cry about it....”
“Hmmm….? I’m confused because...isn’t that men who do that?” was my response back…
So you know what I did...took it to the next level… I called in my girls...and this is what happened... {Madison counting for Daddy to be in timeout}...when she really did it she really emphasized the numbers like she was serious like when we do it...although she kept counting...and gave him to twelve not three but twelve...I loved it!
And then later I came downstairs to

Madison writing "mom" and Daddy working with her letters on the rest of "I love you"...made the hair pulling, toy stealing and toy hiding, and all that fuss forgotten about...seeing those words and having her tell me what they said...
He just felt bad for saying womanly feelings, don't you think?:)