It has soon evolved into my late-night date when my husband was out of town...
Now I occassionally share a little about me...although I have barely reached beneath the surface on that one...I'll get there...I promise...
BUT...there has to be a beginning in order to go somewhere...a start to where you want to go...

Although my favorite pictures to take are of my kiddos...I found I wanted to do more with my know...."Intentions"....and then my "expectations" of myself changed too...
For the past couple of weeks or so I have gotten bad about my blog...taking pictures...thinking creatively...I have been caught up in life...just trying to keep up most days...busy with my business...{which I love I may add}...but I am finding a hard balance now that my hubby is home most of these past two months...I couldn't wait for him to be home my "routine" and "intentions" are all messed up! HA! Go figure...I wouldn't trade it for anything to have him home more...but I get so caught up in the daily grind...that I just feel "phewy"...I cannot find my schedule or routine when he is home now...It's like having a 3rd kid around...{hope you missed that comment honey}...
So you know what I did? I added a day for Hayley to be at BOTH are gone the same days...and this is the first week...I have experienced that...well today really that is...and it was nice!
When I think of things to share...most I say "No....just can't do" right now...I don't know why that road is so hard to share sometimes...but I know that is where God wants me to continue to grow...For awhile now I have been sharing more about me in my business...and you know God has blessed me for that...makes it easy for conversation and I am someone that likes to know about people...what makes them tick...I find that interesting...
so it is funny how our "beginning intentions" soon transform into "new intentions" goals and expectations...wants...well dreams I never had a problem doing...or seeking...
But this week I didn't do anything with my's no fun to have a blog you have trouble updating even once a I promise next week and October will hold "new intentions" sharing...and of course the kiddos too.
I do have a project to share I've almost completed...refinishing some furniture...I've been so excited {pictures coming soon} is so fun finding a new look with something you have...but then I tell myself "Uh...OH!"...{because now I want to keep redoing}...which makes my husband's heart skip some beats...not in a pitter patter good way either...he has already said..."Leave the kitchen cabinets alone!"....hmmm...we'll get there,'ll see! {That's what I tell him for now}

That's sorta what I want dream my kitchen to look like someday...{picture courtesy of Coastal Living}
Ooohhh...I am so if anyone is out there that really misses me...{yah...I'm laughing about that already!} Stay tuned for more upcoming things next week....this week is just going to be a little bare at my blog...
And well...the beach pictures...I just got caught dreaming about where I will be with my family in mid-October...I can already hear the sound of the waves...well I won't be there in the that beautiful location...but that mighty fine ocean I sure will be...
And well...the beach pictures...I just got caught dreaming about where I will be with my family in mid-October...I can already hear the sound of the waves...well I won't be there in the that beautiful location...but that mighty fine ocean I sure will be...

Blessings from all of us...