April 10, 2012



yes it's time to come to the realization yet again that both of the girls turn a year older every March and April
and now my older daughter, Madison, is turning six
I love to celebrate their birthdays
but they all seem to always come too quickly year after year

each year I have moments where I just want time to stand still,
 grab their little hands
and hold onto those precious things
just exactly the way they are in that moment
so tiny
so innocent
and so sweet

but reality is...birthdays come whether we are ready for our children to grow up or not

Madison is

and just like Hayley a month ago...
Madison is beyond excited
she is usually sooo hard to get out of bed in the morning but she popped right up this morning
excited to see her balloons above her bed
and her new lion friend hanging from her chandi
she was grinning ear to ear this morning
as she woke up to her hooting owl alarm the Easter Bunny got her a few days ago

as a matter of fact the first thing she said to me yesterday after I picked her up from school was
I told Miss M--- that "I got an owl alarm and it hoots to wake me up"
I felt as though she was saying it with the Junie B attitude
{we are reading that series together}
and the Junie B attitude makes all the difference when reading that statment
trust me
it was so cute!

As we were talking about her birthday yesterday
 I said
"today is your very last day to be five...can you believe it?"
she said
"I know mom!!!"
Ummm...Hayley seemed more shocked about that statement
{when I told her about her very last day to be three}
I guess I need to get with the six-year-old times now
it's not quite as cool to keep reminding her of such things

 I don't seem to say such surprising things to Madison any longer
she is getting too old and smart like that
so I continued and said
"So what do you think six means?"

Madison said "well, I'm another year older and then comes even better things"

ooooooo...I think I need to be taking her advice when it comes to birthdays

I love this little girl so much
Over the past year I really took it to heart how hard she always was
{and still is}
on herself
it's a hard road to continue on
and I didn't want her being stuck on it
feeling like she has to be perfect
so I made it a mission to help her come out of her shell more
to relax
to enjoy
to know it is perfectly fine to not get things right all the time
and have to work at them

I seem to use myself as an example of not getting things right all the time
it definitely makes her laugh
and to me that's worth her knowing that grace is for everyone's mistakes
or other times when things have to be practiced and tried again

over the past year she has started taekwondo
which has been the best thing for her and her confidence
I'm so proud of how far she has come
from the beginning of class not wanting to get up in front of others
to now she loves to do so
{most of the time}
she still has her moments of struggle but she has come a long way
I truly think it is amazing

Madison is my mama bear
focused and on point all the time

I seem to joke with her a lot
I love her silly side because when she shows it...
 you can really see her unique and wonderful personality
 it is the most beautiful thing because her face shines and sparkles
 her confidence and belief in herself grows every.single.day

a couple of months ago her class was on Channel 5 doing 5 is #1
and when I picked her up from school I asked her because I knew it would make her laugh
"Did you get wild and crazy on camera and do your Taylor Swift dancing and singing?"

She replied "Mom!!!...now you know we weren't supposed to do that...
we talked about this...
My teacher Miss M said we were not supposed to be wild and crazy on camera"
I said "darn...now I won't get to see your Taylor dance moves"
she laughed and said "I'm silly with you guys!"
and yes she is

Kindergarten has done more than wonderful things for Madison
she has had the very best teacher
and the perfect fit to Madison's personality ~ I couldn't be more thankful 
for Miss M---

 Madison makes friends so easily 
 she is so caring and sweet
you know... a likeable girl
{that statement reminds me of Hope Floats...but it's true}
here is part of a note Madison's friend wrote her...I just love it

Madison loves reading, school work, and projects
she loves to always have a pad with her to draw and write in

she loves to joke around
except when the jokes on her...
she wasn't too fond of Hayley and I's spider in her car seat joke we played on her a couple months ago
but she loves to stand around the corner, jump out, and scare the daylights out of me
where I'm literally screaming because she did such a great job

she is the very best helper
and loves her sister more than words could ever describe
she couldn't be a better big sister or friend

Madison's special gift is the way she makes others feel
she always cares how someone is and loves to do nice things for others

she definitely is a beach and summer lover
but occasionally and randomly talks about snow
in the middle of summer
odd, perhaps
...but cute because she can be so random with thoughts

she loves Taylor Swift like her sister loves Eric Church,
 loves to dance and put on fashion shows for me in my high heels
 and loves to take pictures with her camera she got for Christmas

she loves, loves to be outside,
ride her bike,
 and run with me
I say all the time that another 5-6 years she will be kicking my hiney on runs
I can't wait for that as it will make me a proud mama

Madison is insightful at times but so very literal at other times

the other day I had to run an errand for work after the girl's class
we were driving on the back roads and came to a stop light
there were absolutely no cars around
and she asked
"Mom why is the light red when we are the only ones here?"
I said "kind of silly isn't it"
so of course I just keep talking with them about this and that
and sooner or later
both of them say at once...
"Mom...mom!!!...you can go...the light is green"
I said "oh ~ thank you!!
What would I do without you both?"

Madison said "Well...you'd still be sitting at the light Mom!!!"
oh for the love of her...I couldn't stop laughing

Today I most definitely cannot wait to celebrate her and how caring and sweet she is
she makes everyone feel special everyday
today will be wonderful to celebrate her

she is so excited about her beach cake
to have quesadillas tonight with family
and she said....."as soon as I wake up tomorrow...I am six
and cannot wait for all the fun"

she is definitely a chocolate lover over vanilla
like her daddy
loves cheese, yogurt, broccoli, strawberries, and cheeseburgers

 she loves to wear my sunglasses and come up with her own poses
as I was taking pictures the other day
"Miss Director" said
"I get to do my own poses right Mom???"
I laughed and said "why of course"
so here are her favorite poses she did

Happy sixth birthday my beautiful butterfly
I love you
I'm proud of you
and I will always, always believe in you

Happy Birthday
Madison Ella


Tish said...

She's looking more and more like you each and every day. You marked her dear :)

Julie said...

such a beautiful writer, photographer and incredible mama you are!!! absolutely love love loved this post and the one about hayley's :o)

Jacki said...

Just happened to see that your back here! You love your 2 so much,and it just shines brightly here. You can see their growth since the last year. So fun!

Jacki said...


Hope your doing well these days...hope you come back here sometime when it's right. If not, hope life is a blessing for you.