August 17, 2009

A Belated Welcome Home....

Bobby has been home most of August now...knock on wood...and I meant to do this last week...but just never got around to it...hope that doesn't sound bad...but schedules you know...Madison had a bad cough today ~ I think it is allergies but she doesn't sound good nonetheless so today was cancelled of any errands...soo....that got me thinking...we need to do something fun....get everyone some fresh air...

So we haven't painted outside in a long today was the day...and in between the rain storms was a blast and the kiddos has a TON of fun! I loved watching them and they made great "Welcome Home" and "I love you Daddy" signs....just perfect! It was great to just see them go at it...although it wasn't very long just because...we only had so much paint and I was using all my potters and container outside since it was just a little bit windy to hold down the paper.
Hayley started off picking up the paint brush to use but that was about it...and then it was all over...exactly why I picked old clothes for painting...Madison used both her hands and paint brush for painting...she was concentrating much more on painting in the beginning and especially liked making Daddy something. I really think Hayley's goal was to cover her entire body...which obviously was the point today:) They started painting each other...can you guess who started that? Oh yes...Hayley started painting on Madison's leg, and Madison very much returned the favor to Hayley and put hand prints on Hayley's back too. Really cute and just innocent fun.
And the hand prints on her back....
The mess was easy because it was outside...and the kiddos went straight to the bath! The second thunderstorm washed away the paint on the driveway too. But we hung the signs which you see above...we were going to hang them outside but the rain would have ruined we stuck to inside when Daddy came home...Madison was with me when we hung them and got a kick out of running underneath them in the house...and Hayley was so surprised and bent down like she would hit her head on them if she walked under them which she was 4-5 body lengths from touching the signs when hung, but she loved it too....Bobby of course was happy to see the signs hanging when he walked in...who wouldn't be...of course...I told him "Welcome Home for August!"...sorry that it was belated of course.
Possibly that could have been a GREAT segway into refinishing the dresser (see last post if you are wondering)...I should have just had the supplies ready to just kidding...but this could have worked for buttering up Bobby for that....right? [Please don't tell me you have never done that before with your spouse? Well...actually I don't recall me doing that either...unless of course Bobby recalls a time...] Obviously you should know that wasn't my intention for painting today...but I just thought about it...see I am NEVER good at thinking about those things beforehand...I think men are better at buttering us up for something don't you think? think of it I cannot remember the last time or a time I even did that sort of thing...but the best example of that I can come up with is my Dad doing that with my mom...he had my sister and I wait outside on the front porch when my mom got home with smiles and Dad came across a "FREE" [I say "FREE" because my parents eventually said she was a couple grand dog by the time they had to put a fence in for her] black lab at the time and wanted to add her to our family...well he knew my mom had to agree since you know...she would eventually do a lot since my Dad was gone with coaching and such...just Mom says she still has never forgotten that moment because she knew something was up.
The picture below is where the painting on each other started... Hayley eventually just wanted the paint squirted on her hands to squeeze between her hands and occassionally get on the paper...after the girls were done on the paper they just had fun with paint all over themselves....

Blessings from all of us...


Amanda Bruss said...

That looks like sooo much fun!!! The pictures are just adorable!!

Laurie said...

Your girls are just too precious for words- what a fun outdoor activity to do- and boy, you sure let them get messy- so proud of you! :) See you soon!

Kasey said...

what a beautiful post...
and of course...your girls are tooo cute.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

That is so cute!! Adorable girls.